News from Bruce Peru, NEWS OF PERU, hope for homeless children
Hunger in Perú

Forum: Century XXI
... 23 March 2002
Sponsored by SO.S. Perú.
In the National University of Trujillo


Restoration of our campus
Jr. Independencia 309/325

Between August 2001 and March 2002


.Medical Day
Shelter Nicole D'Amecourt

13 March 2002 two doctors and two nurses came to attend 160 of our children.

Dental Day
Albergue Nicole D'Amecourt

23 March 1 dentist and 4 asistants came from the USA to treat our children: 82 received fillings, extractions and cleaning.


Day at the Beach
700 mothers and children came with us for a fun day at the beach, including lunch, sports and prizes.


Int. Day of the Woman
When 600 mothers from Bruce Peru's 14 Restaurants Corazon paraded in the center of Trujillo.

  Excursion to Hogar de Esperanza
....................................(House of Hope)
We took 150 of our abandoned mothers and their little children to visit this lovely Shelterin Salaverry.

Haircut Day
Albergue Nicole D'Amecourt

21 March, 6 hairstylists came to give haircuts to 156 Street Children& the residents of Algergue.