News from Bruce Peru, NEWS OF PERU, hope for homeless children
Coming: Shelter for pregnant rape victims (most are under 16).
Peru sadly has many such victims, usually having been forced by a step-father or friend of their mother; when the pregnancy is discovered they are forced out onto the street where prostitution is the only door open to them. We want to open another door. That's why we are building this shelter for them.

Until the kind hearted mayor of Delicias gave us this 900 square meter ocean front property, we were at a loss as to how to help these poor girls. Now our volunteer architect is desigining a Spanish mission style building, adobe walls and sheltered rooms surrounding a central garder; they will house residential, medical, dining, psycholiogical ,educational and workshop facilities. The isolated beach and softly breaking waves will provide therapy. The adobe bricks we will make ourselves, but for doors, windows, electricity and plumbing we will have to pray for donors.


We now have onsite
medical services

Offering free medical and dental attention to the abandoned children and mothers of Trujillo.
...We have built a small clinic on the premises for the public spirited Dr. Humberto Cabrejos Moreno, who, along with his friend Dr. Lucho Vasquez Leiva (dentist), spends part of every day now at Bruce Peru treating the medical and dental needs of the poor and abandoned of Trujillo.

  English academy for street kids.
Sandra Smith, a wonderful volunteer and now a friend, has come from Britain to teach English to Street Children. She will spend three months with us setting up and teaching the first classes of our English Academy.. Sandra is a licensed English professor on sabatical from Menorca, Spain to help us get our English Academy off the grouind.
  We received 100 pairs of shoes from the US charity "Helping Hands" We often receive clothes, but this is the first time we have been able to give our children good shoes. One hundred thanks to Helping Hands, anbd their friends in Perú, Amor en Accion.

Graduation day at Trujillo's Juvenile Correction Facility
Bruce Peru, through Max Hernandez, graduated 15 inmate students in basic electricity the end of November. Two of these graduates is now helping install Bruce Peru's computer grounding system.
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Instruction & help for single mothers
Our social worker, Jerusa, gives information and instruction to mothers of working street kids.
Also a small team of our Psychologists tour the 14 outlying mothers clubs to help the mothers and the children. The key to helping a child often is to first help the mother find an alternative to the income from the child's labor.

  A record number of children participated in our birthday perty this month.
The end of November we celebrated our regular bi monthly celebration, and this time we were swamped. Thankfully the super childrens' entertainers Corbatita Show were there to enliven us all.

This month we have been delighted to receive many new and valued volunteers, several from Britain, and professionals from Peru: Medical Doctor, Psychologists and Communications. Their arrival has permitted us to open the English Academy and the new medical center as well as offer more and better services to the children who come daily to our facility in the center of Trujillo and those who use the 15 outlying Restaurant Corazones and mothers clubs. We welcome them and thank them for their help to the children and mothers of Trujillo.

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