News from Bruce Peru, NEWS OF PERU, hope for homeless children

The Gap Year option at Bruce Peru - Many students take a year off between college and university (high school and university) to learn something of the world and practice their intended profession in the field.
At Bruce Peru we have developed a GAP YEAR program for adventuresome students who want to make the most of their year away from school - it is intensive, hands-on, rewarding, fun and affordable. Click for Gap Year

Click on image for more information

The winners of our contest
"New Shoes for Bare feet"
are Porvenir .
In July we announced a contest to give new childrens' shoes to the mothers club in Trujillo which first registered 100 school age children who are not in educational programs. We were already distributing 10 tones of avocados (provided by Camposol SA) to encourage hunderds of mothers clubs to help in our project Education Revolution

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Here Duncan Turner, coordinator of the Education Revolution project, presents some of the shoes to the Porvenir winners.


Delicias beach is part of the therapy

When a young girl who has been raped, is pregnant, rejected by her family comes to our shelter she will have this pristine beach right in front of her door.

Click on picture for more details

Three new volunteers visit Delicias
(under construction) for the first time.

Our Volunteers in September:
Apart from teaching lots of classes to both children and adults, and serving a few thousand meals to Street Children and poor people; Our volunteers managed to celebrate each others birthdays, lift a glass to toast departing friends and term ending fellows; as well as hold strategy meetings to debate how to improve our services and programs.


  This month we joined the ballet company we helped start on our campus two years ago in their last joint performance. The talented "Ballet de Camera Vision de la Danza" have gone from strength to strength the past two years, and now they can afford their own studio off-campus. We wish them continued success in all their future endeavors.
Last ballet under Bruce Peru auspices

This month we were joined by Laure, a very experienced French teacher, from Toulouse, France; by Jessica, a child Psychologist from New Zealand and Australia; by Marco, our best PC technologist to date; by Dr. Gustavo, a competent lawyer (who is alreasy protecting us from a few opportunists who thing a foreign led NGO is fair game); and also by our helpful Doctor of Chinese medicine.

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They come to us

as they are,

we make of them

what they let us