NOTICE: Our virtual learning center operates intermitenntly: depending on the number of computers we are able to maintain, our ability to afford wideband Internet access, and the availibility of trained volunteers.
Situated on a one acre campus in the center of historic Trujillo, Majon is harnessing the internet to provide both basic and cyberage instruction to children with no prior formal education.
Here we are creating a free university to teach the poorest children to become webmasters, proficient in internet commerce (‘e-business’). This is an experimental project based on the following assumptions: - The internet constitutes (with one or two monopolistic exceptions) a market economy in the purest sense - that is to say everyone participating in the internet has an equal opportunity to sell their goods or services. There is no discrimination, no ‘old boy network’, no hierarchy to close the door in the face of un-sponsored minority participants. Either a participant’s work in building and promoting his or her website results in visitors coming to the website and buying what is offered for sale or does not.
The poorest children normally live in countries with the poorest economies. Internet Business (electronic commerce) in most cases does not depend on the local economy for its success, but rather sells to the rich world and repatriates profits for use in the local economy.
- The skills required to exploit the internet for commercial purposes are easily grasped by most people, and do not require a strong educational foundation for success (unlike most other professions). The principal requirement is that the people training the students are experienced e-commerce practitioners (of which there are still but few in this new industry), not merely educated theorists (of which there are already too many, misleading many).
A -The founders of the free university are recruiting and training teachers for the first matriculation of students. Future teachers will be drawn from the student body.
B - Initial resources for the free university are provided by the founders. It is envisioned that future support will come from the proceeds of school-operated e-commerce projects; through donations from internet and computer companies willing to help demonstrate the universality of e-commerce, and from overseas NGOs.
C - The curriculum of the free university will be divided between classroom and computer laboratory instruction on the one hand, and apprentice-style on-the-job training on the other, in which students participate in real time school sponsored e-business projects. Certificates of competence and/or university degrees (pending Regents acceptance of the university’s credentials) will be awarded on a performance rather than a calendar basis. The best students will be awarded certificates before the others and will be invited either to join the teaching staff or else to join the university as associates in one or more e-commerce projects. Considering the young age of most matriculating students, the university will also offer, along with e-commerce courses and training, the standard curriculum available to students in a public school environment. This will be delivered through a combination of internet-accessed on-line instruction (virtual education) and live teachers