About Us
Abelardo & Family w/updates
2018 (13 November) - We have been speaking with Abelardo, in Lima; his mother, sisters and brothers in Trujillo: all are enjoying
good health. Abelaro has a job in construction, and has risen to Team Leader of a small crew of reinforced concrete workers. He likes his work but cannot advance further unles he learns to read engineering drawings. We are checking trade schools in Lima and Trujillo. We have a good relationship with such a school in Trujillo, and are now looking into the prospect of his employer giving him leave to come to Trujillo to upgrade his skills while spending some time with his family.
Abelardo on the job
Mother and little brother
Abelardo also plays in Lima's Saturday Football League
2018 (May)- Abelardo still in Lima, 1st Sister: resto.mgr, 2nd, 3rd
sisters: married moms.1&2 Bros: 1 works, 2 in good school. Mom
just got her second micro enterprise vending cart - she & younger
children + families: live in large apartment near the hospital centre
2010 - Present: Abelardo lives in Lima, and works as a mechanic.
2001 - 2009: Abelardo was enrolled at Bruce Peru in Trujillo, Peru

In 2001, while expiramenting with ways to solve the huge socio economic problem in Peru of having more than a quarter of its children go uneducated, we opened a large soup kitchen for strreet children a few steps from the main square. We would feed up to 300 children a on condition they would agree to let us put them into school. One six year old, Abelardo, would only come for breakfast, and then we would not see him again until the next day. Abelardo was shy but polite. Always had a sad face.

Street Kids Centre
& School 2001
One of the university volunteers who supervised the children while they cleaned their platers, reported that Abelardo cleaned his plate then quickly filled a plastic bag from the garbage bin. When asked why Abelardo seemed embarrassed, but would not answer. Then one day he asked if one of the social workers could come look at his mother. They walked for more than an hour because Abelardo could not give an address for a taxi, he had only ever walked. At the poorest edge of the barrio, Florencia de Mora she found Ablardo{s mother lying on the ground beneath a torn plastic sheet stretched between two adobe huts. She was weak with tuberculoses.
02.03 registering
Abelardo in school
. For a year Abelardo had been getting up at 4:AM and cleaning a carpenter's workshop in exchange for the wood scraps. On his way home with them he would collect garbage. With this his mother would cook a soup, which was the staple meal for the family, which included Abelardo{s three younger sisters and baby brother.. We got the family moved into a small house and eventually the mother recovered. From then until early this year we sent Abelardo home with a bag of food every day. In 2005 his youngest sister also had to overcome TB
Abelardo and his oldest sister attended our informal school attached to the soup kitchen and in early 2003 we sponsored him in regular school: the next year his sister, and so on until all the children are being educated.

In 2008 Abelardo turned 14 , when he can legally work. He transferred to night school and became a mechanics apprentice by day.
15 August 2007
The daily food run
Of Abelardo´s siblings the two older girls, Jener and Jocylen are tuning out to be good students. We sponsor, uniform and supply with school supplies. From time to time throughout the year we give new clothes to all the children. We are pulling back a little from the mother because some years ago she agreed as a conditions for our helping her with her family that she would have no more children.
12.08 Video
03.2009 carrying on
2010 we loaned Abelardo´s mom enough to buy an egg business - a snack cart. She has done well with it so far.
Abelardo works as an auto mechanic in Lima, sending money home - and his mom earns the rest for her family from her egg cart.