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News from Bruce Peru, NEWS OF PERU, hope for homeless children

Saving children who sleep on the street.
Children who actually sleep on the pavements are afraid of institutions.
.Some come to eat breakefast and lunch for free, but most of the day, and every night they are intoxicated from sniffing glue and it is impossible to communicate with them. For this reason we organized a city wide Football Championship just for them on saturday morning, 7 June 2003: and they came in impressive numbers. Our goal was to get them into closed shelters where they can be detoxified and begin to receive education.


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The Angels of June
We received three generous donations of food stuff for the children this month.

The first came from a nice couple visiting from Torino, Italy (Giuseppe and Haydee Bertolina ), the second and largest from the students of the Psychiatric School of the National University of Trujillo, and the third dear gift from an entire class of the Porochial school Santa Rosa de Lima. These precious offerings arrived just when we needed them most. Thank you all.
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  Two new volunteers from England arrived with 101 pairs of children's shoes. Helen and Julie arrived in late June laden with suitcases full of new and almost new shoes for children aged 2 to 14, and right away we started finding feet to put them on.

  We have begun teaching computer basics to children from other shelters in Trujillo. Here Carlos from Hogar San Jose takes his first lesson.
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Our new volunteers
in action.

Here Dan from the United States directs some of the boys in assembling bunk beds, while Manon from Amsterdam coaches basketball.
We now have about the best group of volunteers ever. Duncan, our new coordinator, Nicola, Helen, Julie, Manon and Dan are up at 6:AM and some of them don't finish their work until 9:PM.


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This month our birthday party included some new attractions. Usually we bring in Corbatita Show of Gaby and Carlos to make theatre for the celebrants, but this time we decided to do it all by ourselves.
The children seemed to have just as much fun as ever, and it gave some of our new volunteers a better chance to get to know them. Altogether everyone seemed to have a wonderful time. Perhaps we will try it again from time to time.
  If you have been wondering about the progress of our shelter for adolescent rape victims: there isn't any. Offers of funding have turned out to be no more than encouraging words, so we are going to have to begin building again ourselves, with adobe and bamboo. Need your help..
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Our ranks of workers in the Education Revolution project are swelling. Duncan, from England, is our new Volunteer Coordinator; Dr. Jose Alonzo comes Fridays to treat the children; Dan, from the US (who gave us a generous gift) is taking the project back to his country to organize participants; Julie, from England, who comes to raise funds for Bruce Peru and our projects, who, along with Helen brought us all the childrens shoes; Lali, from Lima is acting as our bi-lingual secretary, Irma, our main secretary and Cynthia, from Trujillo, is helping with our accounting.

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