..............................................Part of Agenda SOS
December 24, 2019: The annual Christmas Party marks the end of our school year. Christmas holiday, final term grades, moving on from our informal school to State education, farewell to friends, start of the "Summer break". We have also finally found a solution to our quest to provide Pedrito with a Braille enabled laptop (it is even now Amazoning its ay to Peru as we write this).

December 7, 2019: This is the time of year when our last term is winding down. Also the month of graduations, children who have been with us for their entire educational experience (because they were too old to start in first grade in a regular school). Part of graduation is to receive a certificate from the Ministry of Education indicating the level of skills we have helped them achieve. Our next report will cover their Christmas party - which they will celebrate with us in the next few days.

November 2019: Along with the learn-a-day classroom activities, we have given the children in our little school in Peru a month of extra curricular activities and events. Here is a pot pourri of some.
October 2019: Each month our children, with help from their much-loved teacher, Patricia, make a three-part journal. One part might include International, national or local news. Another, a review of a recent event they were in. Finally a recipe or 'how-to' section. It is published on the class bulletin board during all of the following month. Click below for current edition.
September 2019: When a street kid, whose parents are not available, finds her Grandmother she
has a new way to get off the street, and if he finds his Aunt or Uncle: same story. We actively
search for extended family members, and then do what we can to help develope a surrogate
relationship. When this works it is beautiful to behold.
Winter is about to give way to Autumn in South America. This means there will be more days when sports and projects can be held in our garden and other out-of-doors venues. In the meantime indoor exercises, and projects are all the rage,
.01 August 2019: Our School year trundles on laced with special projects and fun diversions:
Kids throw surprise party
on popular teacher's birthday
Art and Gardening
Sports and physical exercise

We do almost no fund raising.
Have tried from time to time
but only succeeded when
others kindly did it for us.
By now they are all retired.
For two years we have kept
going by sharing the pensions
of our two founders. So, while
we no longer do fundraising,
Visits by volunteers serving in the area
Our group party for kids who get older
.01 July 2019: Pedro, using Brail, keeps up with a sighted class.
We are searching for & asking for Brail Books (even a Brail enabled laptop - new or used) for our bright, lovable blind student, Pedro. If you have (or have access to) any Brail teaching or reading material or devices (in Spanish) please do contact us. Thank you.






.01 June 2019: Students: Out for sports day. Community: In for meeting & help with micro biz.

.May 2019: Meeting: Teachers, Staff, Parents (if there be), Relatives &/or responsible adults
.Spring 2019: This for Pedro
APRIL 2019: First Sports Day this year
.March 2019: Opening new school term
December 2018:
Graduation: those too old to pass
on to the state education system.
Christmas Parties

09/12/2018 GRADUATION


17/12/2018 CHOCLATADA
Novmber 2018:
Birthday party, for all who turned a year
older since we held the last group party.
Update on one of the first children to enter our original school for street kids: Abelardo
October 2018:
Winter ended last month and Springtime in the Southern Hemisphere is in full blossom. Days in the Trujillo school are occupied with classroom courses, sports and tidying up their little garden.
August 2018:
  April 2018:
Two Schools operating

We had expected to open this school term with only one facility remaining open in Peru. We and the children had to flee our second school leaving it to the elements and vandals at the height of last year's flooding.
It made us all sad. Worse was to follow: we ended 2017 in debt. Had no funds to build, buy or furnish a second school. For the first time in the project's nearly two decade history our costs had exceeded what we could raise from donors or cover on our own.

All was no lost however. A ray of sunshine arrived. M
ostly through Charo's efforts we managed to squeeze both schools into our surviving Alto Trujillo structure.
Now they are both ticking over delightfully in the refurbished original school house.
May the learning continue...
And now to raise some funds.

within one school house
.January 2018:
Eighty percent of our students go from our little school to continued formation in the national educational system.
Some of our students, however, were recruited at an age too old for us to be able to educate to the level of students their ages who have been in school all the years ours were not. These we teach for +/- two years: graduate with a Gov't. approved diploma listing all their skills.

The rest of our students (those not graduating) Charo matriculated in Public school # 02.2018. Their new professor has told Charo, they are "best prepared of all her students".

in Latin America
the last 18 years: